
Controller design for two-wheeled self-balancing vehicles using feedback linearisation technique
Abstract: Two-wheeled self-balancing vehicles have been extensively used because of their unique capabilities such as reducing the traffic problems and being environment friendly. The main challenge in these vehicles is to design robust controllers capable of creating smooth and safe movement. This paper focuses on design of such a controller using the feedback linearisation technique. The modelled system comprises of a single-link inverted pendulum, which simulates the rider’s body, mounted atop a two-wheeled platform. While the base is being externally disturbed, the designed controllers guarantee the stability of the system and keep the rider along its equilibrium situation. In order to validate the effectiveness of proposed control schemes, some sets of simulation studies are carried out on different smooth and non-smooth surfaces. It is finally shown that besides having stability on smooth surfaces, the system behaves stably on non-smooth trajectories.

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Ref: International Journal of Vehicle Systems Modelling and Testing (IJVSMT), Vol. 8, No. 1, 2013


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